22 May 2009

Not Another Search Engine

If you are like me, Google is my search engine. Everything goes through Google. I know folks who, when given a URL (like sightsites.blogspot.com) will enter the URL into Google and then click on the link, instead of typing the URL directly into the browser's address box. Google rules!

So, what is this about a new search engine? Topsy looks as search from a different perspective. Instead of seeing the web as a collection of documents (web pages), it sees the web as a collection of conversations. They say it better here, but give it a try and explore. I really find the way the results are presented to be cool (or at least novel).

The result above was generated from a search for NECC. Notice that below the title and link is a quote - what someone was saying about NECC. The number to the left is the number of conversations in this thread. Click on the number and see all ten. It is all about the conversations.

I am not ready to toss out Google, but Topsy is an interesting idea.

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